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We combine agricultural by-product from farms local to our facilities, and we combine it with mycelium.
Responsible businesses around the planet are committed to net zero alignment and ending dependence on fossil-fuel based plastics. Why? Not just because it’s the right thing to do but, because it now also makes financial sense. It’s one thing to offer a possible alternative to polymer-based plastic. It’s another to deliver it at scale without a hit to the bottom line.
The Magical Mushroom Company® is the alternative. We offer a bespoke design service, industry-leading technical performance, and comparable pricing, without the polluting legacy of polymers. Our clients call it the ultimate ‘no-brainer’ switch. With our state-of-the-art manufacturing process, we do this at scale to meet the packaging needs of some of the world’s biggest enterprises.
Whilst we are focussed on manufacturing packaging solutions in industrial volumes, we also love special projects in fashion and design. We’ve made hats, beehives, a geodesic dome and the world's largest mycelium light pendant. The possibilities are endless.
Mushrooms are the fruit of mycelium, which is like nature’s underground internet, made up of tiny threads that connect plants and fungi.
It helps break down dead plants, recycle nutrients, and share water and food between trees and plants. This hidden network keeps soil healthy and supports life above ground making it a vital part of our planet’s ecosystems.
To make Mushroom® Packaging, we mix mycelium with agricultural by-products. Mycelium itself is made of chitin, a natural glue that is water-resistant.
We use the woody core of hemp in 98% of our products. Hemp cultivation is a key biogenic carbon locking up CO2 at the rate of 15 tonnes per hectare – similar to the amount sequestered by a young forest. Hemp isn’t the only answer though – we can work with a variety of natural by-products.
We combine agricultural by-product from farms local to our facilities, and we combine it with mycelium.
The mycelium binds the agricultural waste together, so it can be baked into durable protective packaging.
After 6 days growing and kiln drying, the end product is ready for use.
Mushrooms are the fruiting body of mycelium and nature’s recycling system. They grow on their food source without external energy inputs.
Mycelium is a root like structure that forms the vegetative tissue of mushrooms. It grows exponentially with the correct nutrition and environmental conditions.
Chitin is a natural glue-like polymer found in mycelium. It is naturally water and flame resistant.
Biogenic carbon is absorbed, stored and emitted by organic matter like soil, trees, plants and mycelium.
And the vast mycelium network is the biggest storage unit on our planet: hiding more than 13 gigatons of non-biogenic carbon created by human activities around the world. This is equivalent to 36 per cent of yearly global fossil-fuel emissions.
Whereas the fossil fuels used to make polystyrene are the most dangerous exponents of these anthropogenic carbon emissions. It is not sustainable.
Our Mushroom® Packaging is biodigestable meaning it can be broken down by bacteria in the absence of oxygen.
It is also biodegradable. When broken up into small pieces, it will return to the soil in around 45 days, keeping all its carbon safely locked away and adding nitrates to the earth too.
Mushroom® Packaging is a simple choice.
Break up into small pieces with your hands.
Biodegradable in your garden, plant pot or green waste.
Place in food waste collection bin for anaerobic digestion.
Use your used packaging for storage or a plant pot.